Creativity and New Media

Previously I talked about how new media is hand in hand with creativity. One example I gave was Youtube. This is arena where people can express themselves in different ways. I created a video that expressed creativity in posting an interesting topic and in a way that people would want to watch if they are … Continue reading

The Next New Thing…

New media is ever expanding, but it seems like there never seems to be an end to the creative ways people connect. An example of new media that doesn’t currently exist is a program that allows people to actually use holograms to do shows and concerts or to present information in classrooms. The information will be created … Continue reading

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is when individuals share information and permit other people to open, view, save, store or edit information or product. P2P file sharing is peer to peer file sharing. Some examples of P2P file sharing is with torrent files where people share applications, movies, books, or music with each other. Other examples are napster or limewire. … Continue reading

Privacy and Confidentiality

With an increase in technology and new media, there is also an increase in the want of information on individuals. People want instant gratification and want to know details of people’s lives. Also, individuals share more about their daily lives with new media platforms. This openness of information comes with a loss of privacy. People’s … Continue reading


New media and creativity go hand in hand. In social media, blogs, wikis, vlogs, you have to incite individuals to your material. People want their new media works to be popular and it has to be creative and unique to do so. New media technology is also a way for people to collaborate and generate … Continue reading

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds are 3D communities where people can create an avatar to represent themselves and they can act out what they feel in these communities. Virtual worlds can have several themes focusing on location, travel, or other interests. Virtual worlds can be used in various ways.One way is in the workplace, individuals who work remotely … Continue reading

Social Networking Sites

Myspace is one of the first social networking sites that I joined when I was younger. I didn’t think they were still around (i figured they were gone amongst other sites from “that time” like blackplanet and hi5). Myspace was about connecting with people you didn’t know but thought they had a cool profile pic … Continue reading

Social Networking

Social networking technologies are communities where individuals can communicate and socialize. These include sites like facebook, google plus, linkedin, twitter and programs like Instagram and flickr. They can be used to keep in touch with old colleagues and friends, for business prospects, event notifications, and share events in daily lives. So why are there so may social … Continue reading

Blogs vs Wikis

Blogs and Wikis are a segment of new media and are norms in communication in today’s society.  In today’s networked world, every thing is connected and people need information instantly. The ability to communicate on small and large levels rapidly and to form groups is important in today’s world.  Blogs and Wikis are both quite … Continue reading